Innovation Strategy

 Nothing transforms markets more than strong innovations that capture the evolving needs that will define future categories. As such, new products are often the high-octane fuel for the most spectacular ascents to market leadership.

We know how to build winning innovations:  Our track record of introducing four $100 million brands coupled with years of innovation strategy success provides a unique expertise in this area.

The New Product Navigator

Explores, develops, and tests future market gap opportunities

Translates concepts into competitively positioned innovation ideas and platforms

Provides unique insights on future heavy users and how to appeal to them

New product innovation is integrated into an expanded brand portfolio strategy with clearly defined performance drivers

Consumer testing highlights new product potential with brand building direction
on all of the core marketing fronts

Develops the sales story to incremental sales potential while capturing the upside
for distribution potential

Portfolio Growth Strategy

This service frames the portfolio strategy and prioritizes breakout opportunity fronts

Creates the "brand house” for innovation that frames what the brand could become

Develops competitive expansion platforms encompassing product,
packaging, and target specific innovation

Consumer insights driven strategy to develop leadership positions
within targeted priority markets or segments