Foundations for Growth

Consumer insights can be the trail through the mountains that your competitors missed. We have used deep dives on categories, consumer targets, brands, and innovation as roadmaps for both short and long term growth.

Too often this work is planned and analyzed by professional researchers – not business builders. The result is the difference between getting research reports compared to strategic insights on opportunities to impact the three drivers of breakout growth: brand strategy, innovation, and growth strategy.

We use insights as our “GPS” for brand building growth strategy – combining custom consumer insights with the brand building experience to explore and develop opportunities that ultimately drive breakout performance.  

Our approach is unique because as business builders we know where to look for growth ideas, how to discover the gap opportunities with core consumer targets, and what growth strategy levers to pull to capture big ideas.

Growth Ventures covers consumer insights on two fronts: one front is integrated within the Growth Strategy services and the second front is focused on brand and market tracking for Strategic Planning.

  • Growth Strategy Insights

    Studies that focus on specific opportunities involving Brand Strategy, Innovation, and / or Growth Strategy.

  • Strategic Planning Insights

    Studies that support market assessment, consumers segments, and / or brand potential. Two leading studies in this area are the Growth Potential Assessor and the Brand Tracker.

 Our Approach

Our focus is performance driven: having led the development of four $100 Million brands with numerous success stories in growth strategy, new products, and branding over 25 years of consulting.

We design, execute, and evaluate consumer insights from a proven business building focus vs. a pure academic research perspective.   We seek insights to develop strong, resilient consumer connections linked to strategies that build competitive advantages.

Our customized approach is both disciplined and creative.  We work in a “player / coach” collaboration as we partner with our clients.

We frequently prefer to focus on the future heavy brand users for insights.  These are the high impact consumers that a brand can scale most quickly with and who usually provide more in-depth insights for developing future growth opportunities.

 We are entrepreneurs at heart.  Too often insights either lack a competitive edge or stop well short of actionable initiatives.  Because of our past experience, we translate insights into both strategic direction and go to market ideas that can drive meaningful growth.